
Rare London sequin tank
$11 -

Adriana Voloshchuk floral pants
$205 -

Strap high heels
$39 -

Brahmin zip bag

Red bracelet

The is such a beautiful outfit,
Miley Cyrus, Maxim Hot 100  -- Maxim
love this look on her she looks really nice with her hair style ans skin tone. Way to go Milly

It is just a perfect outfit for a day like today, It was a little cold but i was able to put it together. This is a very simple black dress with a belt. The shoes are also black with a gold line ruining down the back of it. This bag, i bought in Aldo long time ago, it just goes with everything. it adds a lot of color to everything. The hair; well not that professional even though i work in the office, but i have given up trying to look professional, i just dress still professional without losing my fashion style. Shoe is by Christian Sirilano. Hair done at Hair Couture  
Love Love LADY GAGA new perfume line "FAME". Its a black liquid in a bottle, it start out spraying black and change to clear in air. Absolute perfection can't wait till it comes out.

She does know how to make a statement. The nude picture and nude little guys covering where need to be cover, I could not have thought about that. 

Lady GAGA will be on the cover of September VOGUE Magazine

She looks totally beautiful, totally defined.  

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